Dreaming of Another Scamp

As I sit in my den, looking out toward the South on a cold Idaho blustery February afternoon, my thoughts are with a boat called Scamp.  I thought you already built and sold a Scamp, my mind says.  Well, yes that’s true…but we’re just being honest and yes, my thoughts are with yet another Scamp.  Why another one…I did that once.  Well, I guess because I want another one and long to go sailing again.  But, wasn’t it sort of a pain in the butt?  Yes.  Wasn’t it frustrating to show up at the lake and have too much or too little wind?  Yes.  Wasn’t it frustrating to sort out all the lines and unwrap the lazy jacks from my neck?  Yes.  So, why do it?  Because there is just something about sailing that I can’t seem to shake.  It’s more poetry that perfection, more rhythm that efficiency, more authentic than artificial.  It’s like stepping back in time 2000 years.  A boat you build from your own hand, sail with the wind and howl at the moon.  Who doesn’t want to do that?  I do.  Life is too planned, too stiff, too certain, too predictable.  Let’s have some adventure!  Let’s build another boat.

Why not Long Steps?  It would be easier to row, easier to self steer and it looks really cool.  Long Steps is undoubtably a really neat boat, but I feel it’s too long and too complicated for me.  I have a small lake 1/2 mile from my house where I plan to do most of my sea trials.  It’s only 1 mile around the lake, hence very small.  Yet, at this small little insignificant lake, I could learn a lot about sailing and a Scamp would fit perfectly on this small lake.  Rigging time would be less than a Long Steps and frankly, I just don’t want to allocate the time to build and take the room to store Long Steps.  Remember, I now have a Skiff America 20 residing in my garage.

Yes, I really want the simplest, easiest, most seaworthy competent little sailboat known to man.  All these requests point directly at a Scamp.  It’ll be complicated enough, trust me.

I’ve already indicated on this blog what I would do differently next time.  No sense in reiterating that again here.  Let’s just keep it a dreamy feeling at this point.  Nothing concrete or etched in stone, just a desire to build another neat little sailboat.

My wife asked me to wait for 1-2 years before building another boat, but I learned there’s wiggle room.  What does that mean…wiggle room?  Well, she also said, last weekend, after a great dinner and date, that I could spend my allowance on anything I wanted.  Allowances are non negotiable, unrestricted funds.  So, if by chance, I wanted to build a mast out of Sitka Spruce, the funds are there and waiting.  Wow…that’s sort of exciting.  To build another mast.  And, this time out of Sitka Spruce.

The real question now is, would I rather build another Scamp or get a small teardrop trailer to pull on jeep rides through the mountains?  Remember, I live in Idaho.   Both items won’t fit in my garage.  So, it’ll come down to one or the other.

If I commit to attend annual Scamp rallies and see new sights with a Scamp, the Scamp would probably win out.  A boat can take you to amazing places and as my motto says,
“Never Stop Exploring”

Why not build one with me?  I’ll blog about each and every step.  You build one at your house, I’ll build one at mine.  Then some day we’ll sail together.  Randy, are you in?  

4 thoughts on “Dreaming of Another Scamp

  1. If you build another SCAMP, please humor your audience by making many posts on your blog. I, for one, enjoy watching your progress. I marvel at your skill.

  2. I’m in Brent!
    Like you I have some other projects on the hob so I need to spend some time clearing the decks and selling my Chebacco but I am committed to a SCAMP build. It all feels right to me. I have a 20′ boat with all the lines, rigging, etc. and the smaller and simpler SCAMP is very attractive and suits the kind of sailing I like. Perfect really. The clincher is that I can buy the CNC kit and get a running start. Having build one boat already I feel and am well equipped now to take this on.
    If all goes to plan I would like to start next winter.
    Most importantly is the green light from wonderfully supportive wife.
    Someday maybe a rendezvous on Kootenay Lake, a place I spend time every summer. Not too far from Idaho…

    • Randy, I would love to see some pictures of your Chebacco. How long did it take you to build that boat? That’s quite an accomplishment. Also, I would love to bring my wife and spend a weekend with you and yours on Kootenay lake in the future. It’s these types of experiences that make sailing so much fun. Count us in!!

  3. Here is the humble blog for my Chebacco blog:

    The build actually went over about five years. It was the probably the worst timing on my part because I had a busy job and my kids were preschoolers but again, my wife was very supportive of my dream to build this boat. I am handy but never build anything ambitious as this. I originally read about the Chebacco design in Woodenboat magazine and at the time it seemed like the perfect boat for us.

    Standing invitation for Kootenay Lake for sure!

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